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Stop and make changes now - you are in the early stages of burnout
High burnout risk indicating serious lifestyle and workplace imbalance


Your current condition raises serious concerns, as the indicators point to a heightened risk of you experiencing burnout. It's evident you maintain a fondness for your occupation, but the perpetual fatigue you're encountering is a cause for alarm. Your energy levels appear to be consistently low, and the normal vigour you once had is noticeably lacking.


Your work-life balance seems to have tilted alarmingly towards work, with a bulk of your time being invested at work. It's becoming increasingly common for you to stay at work beyond typical hours, often spilling into what should be your personal downtime. This pattern also extends into the weekends, when ideally you should be recharging your mental and physical batteries.


Despite this persistent exhaustion, relaxation seems to elude you. Instead of succumbing to rest, you're caught in a restless cycle, finding it hard to disconnect from work-related stressors and fully unwind. It's as though the weight of your professional life is pressing down relentlessly, leaving you little space for peace and respite.


A growing trend of errors in your work signifies a diminishing ability to maintain your usual standards of accuracy and efficiency. Tasks that once were a breeze now stretch out and consume inordinate amounts of time, hinting at possible cognitive fatigue and a general slowing down of your performance.


Another troubling element may be an increased use of alcohol, or reliance on antidepressants to navigate daily life. Using alcohol or medication as a crutch, instead of addressing the root causes of your emotional distress, can create a problematic pattern that could worsen your mental state in the long run.


Given these circumstances, it's crucial to pause, reflect and seriously reassess your current lifestyle. The strain of your job is evidently taking a toll on your physical and mental wellbeing. This is a critical point in your life, one that requires immediate attention and action. You should not delay in addressing these issues, as they might escalate into more severe health conditions. Prioritising your health over work is not just necessary, but essential. Addressing burnout now could prevent long-term damage to your health and


Here are five tips to combat burnout and regain a sense of balance and well-being in your life:


  1. Re-evaluate and Prioritise: Take some time to reassess your work and personal goals. Are your current tasks aligning with your long-term goals? Is the strain caused by your work worth the impact it's having on your health? It may be necessary to delegate some tasks, learn to say 'no' more often, or even consider a job change if your current one is causing such severe distress. Remember, your health is more important than any job.

  2. Take regular breaks: Take short breaks throughout the workday, make sure you have a lunch break and make sure you're using your annual leave. Breaks can increase productivity and creativity, reduce stress, and prevent burnout. Even a brief period of relaxation can refresh the mind and renew the physical and mental energy spent during work.

  3. Establish boundaries: It's essential to separate your work and personal life. This could mean setting specific work hours and sticking to them, not checking emails outside of work, or designating a workspace that's separate from your relaxation areas. You may need to get better at saying ‘no’. Also, take full advantage of your weekends to disconnect and recharge.

  4. Connect with others: Socialise with friends and family, engage in hobbies, or participate in group activities that you enjoy. These can all serve as healthy distractions from work and provide a great way to relax and recharge. It's also beneficial to build a supportive network at work, if possible, or seek support from other professionals in similar situations.

  5. Seek professional help: It's okay to ask for help. If you're feeling overwhelmed, it could be useful to speak with a mental health professional. Therapists can provide you with strategies to handle stress and help you understand and address the root causes of your feelings. Also, if your use of alcohol is concerning, it would be beneficial to consult with a professional about these habits. While a therapist can provide coping mechanisms to manage stress responses, they will not be able to alter the environment causing the stress.

Coaching can be an invaluable resource in combating burnout, particularly by enabling a more balanced approach to work and personal life.


I can help you identify the sources of stress and tension in your life and help you to identify realistic and effective strategies to manage them. I can help you critically review your job description to gain clarity about your roles and responsibilities, ensuring that they align with your personal strengths and career aspirations. This understanding can empower you to say 'no' to tasks that fall outside your scope or that stretch you too thin.  I can help you to master the art of delegation to significantly lighten your workload, freeing up your time and mental energy to focus on higher-priority tasks.


Let coaching be your stepping stone towards a balanced life, with purpose and fulfilment.

Click here for more information about my Deep Coaching Programme 
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